

Art Director: Decky

salam kenal,
namae wa Decky desu,arek suroboyo
singkat aja
ILM donor darah PMI buat tugas DKV5 masih alternatif
deadline 2 minggu lagi kudu kelar..(sekitar awal
bagaimana menurut pendapatan anda ?
saran dan kritik akan saya terima..
begitu juga dengan uang dan cinta anda..

ps: dami TA kamu inspiring bgt..
oya km bisa jelasin tentang tahap
conditioning,informing & reminding...
..mohon bantuannya...
buat tugas DKV 5 ane...


At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thx mo commentnya..
sbenernya yg kasian bkn PMI tapi org2 yg butuh darah..hik..hik
(udah sakit,darahnya dikit,bayar lagi)
emang dr hasil riset ane (atas petunjuk mr.patience SE,MSi}ke pendonor rutin..mereka ngrasa bangga bisa brarti bg masyarkat
tapi krn kmpny ni tujuannya tuk meningkatken jumlah pendonor..yg masi sgt sedikit (rada urgent). jd masi informing ntar klo sdh mateng n stabil baru nyentuh ke sana..
..thx masukannya.

oya gbr obat nyamuk tuh maksudnya krn darah sgt berharga, jgn di sia-siakan walau cuma setetes(diambil nyamuk) krn itu pake obat nyamuk N sikat gigi yg lembut(biar gusi ga berdarah)...hahahahha..dipikir2 lg kinda weird..

oya dr pengalaman ane bikin tugas ini ternyata aku baru sadar kalo donor darah tuh penting banget sedih klo dipikir2, .. bayangin klo ada org yg deket sm kita lg butuh darah,trus persediaan darahnya habis,pontang-panting cari donor, klo ga nemu donor terpaksa nyewa pendonor(beneran lo), trus ngambil darahnya bayar biaya pengolahan darah. bayangin udah sakit disuruh bayar rumah sakit, bayar org bwt donor,byr darah belum yg laen2.
belum tentu sembuh juga..
kasihan kan..
makanya teman teman sekalian..
donor ya...


At 6:42 PM, Blogger Erick Gustianto said...

Nyewa pendonor!?


At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

go.. go.. ITS, go.. go.. greenhouse :) tunjukan ITS ga kalah keren :D

captchnya-nya di aktifkan aja, blog ini udah mulai kemasukan spam.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Deck walaupun ini project uda lama, tapi ini slah satu project favo dari semua tugas dkvmu, eh TAmu nikin Event suport Citra pariwara 2007 semoga lebih edan idenya dari ide ecek-ecek kayak PMImu ini, bukan mengejek, tapi kalo gitu-gitu aja kapan mau maju Ad di Indonesia raya ini, sukses TAmu, sukses nuat mas dami, Sukses Ad Indonesia.

At 8:07 PM, Blogger alex said...

Clever of you, I'm sure, commented Miss norco Van Kamp, reflectively.. He was alone--as usual--the Colonel's office really being his private lodgings, disposed in insulin connecting rooms, a single apartment reserved for consultation.. Lifting his foot above his face, he said: ativan You stir till I tell you, an' I'll stomp your nose down even with the balance of your mean face.. Republished by the author's permission. allegra. Like Harte, he cannot be oxycontin trusted.. Cady insisted on bringing in the cakes herself, and grinned as she whisked her cipro starched blue skirts in and out of the dining-room.. And Elder vicodin Brown had to resume an upright position until his paroxysm of laughter had passed.. This he sealed zoloft and despatched by his trusted servant Jim, and then devoted a few moments to reflection.. He had concealed the precious parcels in the unfloored loft above the school-room, a place accessible only by means of a small trap-door without staircase or ladder; and here he meant to have kept them while it suited his clonidine purposes, but for the untimely intrusion of the weaver's beam.. But her resentment was not helping the zantac deacon's horse to win.. On the one hand, we have allowed the dream thoughts to proceed from perfectly normal mental operations, while, on the other hand, we have found among the dream thoughts a number of entirely abnormal mental processes which extend likewise ritalin to the dream contents.. His poems were free from byetta convention in technique as well as in spirit, although their chief innovation was simply that as a rule there was no regular number of syllables in a line; he let the lines be any length they wanted to be, to fit the sense or the length of what he had to say.. I think I'll have a talk with that young man to-night, I said, and see if calcium he can give some account of himself.. She was not sensible of any pain, but naturally combatted the view that the scene represented a desire of diflucan hers.. No! gentlemen! The defendant exhibited in this affair a flonase certain frugality of--er--pecuniary investment, which I am willing to admit may be commendable in his class...

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mortgage lead

At 5:58 AM, Blogger rebel said...

nyong nyuong!!!!
ojo cepet-cepet pengen lulus
golek calon baja dikik po'o nyong

eh saranku nyamuk e
nggawe rambut ireng
ojo di semir tapi yo nyong!!
engko koyo awakmu

rejeki adfest
gak dicipratke titik ta????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Restless said...

Wah deck... karya terbaru mana?
punya blog juga ga?

At 3:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hayah, ga nyambung neh org.
Very bad concept.
Apa gitu intinya dr darahnya nyamuk ke darahnya orang, jadi jangan bunuh nyamuk.

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ku kira ini anak ITS..

karya anak2 ITS keren2 lho :-) tapi sayang, jarang yang ngerti Internet.. dan situs ini :-(


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